The IBM SkillsBuild Program for Jobseekers was designed around three pillars of Self-Paced Learning, Project-Based Learning, and Access to Employment. It is for this purpose IBM SkillsBuild Program for Jobseekers has leveraged its expertise, credibility and track record across the globe to build partnerships with governments both central and state. At a grassroot level, Edunet as the implementation partner has not only facilitated these large partnerships but has also collaborated with over 200 educational institutions to deliver the innovative program to students and faculty members. These institutions range from Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) for training semi-skilled workers all the way to degree colleges and universities. 

With IBM SkillsBuild for Jobseekers, students could gain core technology and important workplace skills like: leadership skills, communication skills, programming skills, problem solving skills, and/or writing skills that are aligned to in-demand jobs. Also, there lies an opportunity to earn digital credentials to show employers what they’ve achieved. 

IBM SkillsBuild is a free digital platform that gives every adult the opportunity to develop technology and professional skills regardless of your background, education, or life experiences. 

Comprehensive ecosystem to support

Over 10,000 Courses

Interactive and Multi-media Course Material

Industry Recognized Certification

Provides Skills Essential for Entry-Level Jobs

Increasing number of courses in Hindi

Content available for Educators too!

IBM SkillsBuild Internship

AICTE Internship

IBM SkillsBuild has partnered with the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to bring Project-based Learning to students across India who are pursuing technical education. With over 1000 State, Central and Private Universities the AICTE represents a pool of students pursuing technical education. These students will be entering a job market where there is a demand for skills in Industrial Revolution 4.0 technologies and the agility to adapt to an evolving technological landscape. 

To better prepare students for the professional journey, the partnership with AICTE and IBM SkillsBuild brings Mentor-led Project Based Learning – Deep in the form of an 8 week Virtual Internship.  

  • The internship is delivered virtually to all students, over an 8 week duration from the start date 
  • The internship is delivered in groups of students under a pre-selected problem statement. Each of the 15 problem statements will be assigned a mentor along with 40-60 students 
  • The mentor will introduce the problem statement, help brainstorm solutions and guide students towards the technologies and skills required to solve the problem statement 
  • The internship concludes with the submission of the project and the delivery of a presentation 
  • Top teams are awarded for their ingenuity, along with the internship completion certificate and the remaining teams are provided Internship certificates  

Virtual Internships are currently offered in the following topics 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Cloud Computing
Cyber Security
Full Stack Development
Frontend Web Development

Each topic has a choice of 3 problem statements for students to select.


IBM SkillsBuild Internship Camp is 8 weeks in Duration requiring attendance to virtual mentoring sessions every week for 2-3 hours. During the remaining time, interns are expected to make progress on their projects using the IBM SkillsBuild Platform.

Mentoring sessions

  • Should be 2-3 hours per week
  • Preferable time slots
    • Weekdays – After 5 PM
    • Weekends – First Half

Structured Self-Learning

  • Completion of mentor-recommended SkillsBuild Courses
  • Progress on Project

Upon conclusion of the Virtual Internship students are expected to have completed three tasks:

  • Completion of selected self-paced learning courses on IBM SkillsBuild
  • Submission of Project files
  • Submission of a final project presentation
Program Calendar 
WeekMilestoneSubmission by Student Team
Week 1-2Understanding the Problem Statement
  • Problem Scoping
  • Brainstorming solution options
Week 3-4Solution Development
  • Finalize solution and approach
  • How is it unique compared to any existing solutions
Week 5-6Solution Design
  • Wireframes / User Flow / Sitemap
Week 7-8Final Project/ Website & Small Presentation
  • Link for the website (hosted on GitHub)
  • Presentation (template will be shared)
  • Video (optional)


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